Flowers calling spring

Branches of hydrangea, rape blossom, and carnation. It’s coldest season for a year in Japan, so we want to feel coming spring from flower arrangements.   Today, I learned narcissus arrangement  in Ikebana class. I ’m longing for spring…

Mochi breakfast

Yesterday I made zouni for breakfast. We have zouni for a breakfast on New Year’s Day in Japan using mochi(rice cake) which we made near the end of last year.(→mochitsuki) Zouni is soup with mochi(rice cake), its ingridients and seasoning vary from region to region and home to home. I made zouni with Japanese white … [Read more…]

Flower Arrangement for New Year’s Day

Japanese apricot blossom, Pine tree, yellow chrysanthemum,  red fruits of chloranthus glaber Makino. Japanese people like those flowers as plants for celebration. Especially Japanese apricot(Ume) and pine tree. Ume blooms in very early spring when we can’t see other flowers. Pine tree has evergreen leaves which has been symbol of virtue in Japan. Adding bamboo, … [Read more…]